Fear/Break Loose/

Inspiring and encouraging others to break free from what’s holding them back from a great and fulfilling life

Many Faces (Poem)

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Who shall I be……

Happy face. Sad face. Mad face. Worry face

This face hides the tears

That face hides the betrayal

This face hides the truth

That face hides the brokenness

Perfect face. Sparkle face. Famous face. Important face.

Perfection will cover mistakes

Add sparkle to highlight achievements

Fame can compensate insecurities

Social status reveal my importance

Lying face. Promiscuous face. Addict face. Gossip face.

Should I tell lies to be the coolest

Should I parade my body to be the hottest

Should I trade my life for pills to be the happiest

Should I ruin your life to be the greatest

Wear the face that fits…

         Or wear the face that hurts?

Wear the face that conquers…

          Or wear the face that flirts?

Every emotion

          Every expression

Learn to smile and try not to laugh

          Master every twitch and tick

Now…. ….Where is my identity

-ShuCora Walker, ©2018

This poem is from my book, “Testimonies Of A Young Woman: Pieces Of My Journey”, and you have enjoyed this piece and crave more…check out my book on Amazon!…https://www.amazon.com/Testimonies-Young-Woman-Pieces-Journey/dp/B08M2B615J/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1649190393&sr=8-1

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This online community is a place for people who enjoy good conversations and sharing their life stories while embracing real truth to not only inspire but to heal, learn, and grow. With weekly posts and some poetic inspirations, you will find some inspiration, motivation, encouragement, healing, faith, or just some wisdom to help you get through life. In a nutshell, this is a space for anyone seeking to live a life of real freedom and enjoy some good moments along the way…
