Fear/Break Loose/

Inspiring and encouraging others to break free from what’s holding them back from a great and fulfilling life

Flourished (Short Poem)

Photo by Valeriia Miller on Pexels.com

In awe of the beauty I am beholding

The thorns of hardship have fallen off

The weeds of terror are officially cut off

The season of revealing has come

I have grown into a magnificent rose

What used to move me…..no longer grows

-ShuCora Walker, ©2022

The agenda for this week is to spark a conversation around redemption. I will be sharing my heart on being redeemed from past mistakes and gaining wisdom from those same mistakes. Join in on the convo this week! Have a great day overcomers!

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This online community is a place for people who enjoy good conversations and sharing their life stories while embracing real truth to not only inspire but to heal, learn, and grow. With weekly posts and some poetic inspirations, you will find some inspiration, motivation, encouragement, healing, faith, or just some wisdom to help you get through life. In a nutshell, this is a space for anyone seeking to live a life of real freedom and enjoy some good moments along the way…
